"Fill the Dam Thing Up!"
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For seven years, "Mel" led community relations for a major Northeast Tennessee infrastructure project. The $400-million infrastructure project used international expertise from around the globe in its successful repair of the leaking Tennessee Valley Authority’s Boone Dam.
Recently, Mel published a book detailing her involvement with the Boone Dam project, as well as PR tips for infrastructure leaders.
About the Book

You are a public relations professional tasked with community outreach on a major infrastructure project in crisis. You need to inform angry community members.
Building goodwill with them will be essential while balancing government expectations. You must prepare project managers to go before the cameras.
Where do you start?
Here is your communications playbook!
In this book, Accredited Public Relations Professional
Mary Ellen Miller shares her communications leadership journey on a $400-million dam project.
This book is for PR professionals and project managers involved in issue management and stakeholder engagement on major infrastructure projects.​

Catch an excerpt of the audio book!

Boone Dam Work: | Photo Courtesy of Tennessee Valley Authority

Mel in her signature pink hard hat
Book Launches 2023